Learning to work with textured hair can prove to be a pain in the ass. On top of trying to learn what is good and what isn't so good for your hair. The Curly Girl Method (CGM) really saved my sanity; for the most part.
The beginning of my CGM journey was tough. I had no idea where to start, no idea what to use, no idea what to avoid, and absolutely no idea where to even start.
Since I have kind of found my way and feel confident with what I use and the way I do things I have decided to share with you my top 3 tips and things I wish I knew before I started Curly Girl Method.

1. This is by far my NUMBER ONE tip and something I wish I would have done/thought about. Buy travel sized items when you can. Your hair may not like the first few product you try and buying big bulk sizes can be wasteful and it really does get expensive. I have so many barely used big sized products that I probably won’t touch again.
2. Not everyone’s hair is the same!!! Learn your hair, listen to your hair, and figure out what is best for your hair. What is good for Karen may not be good for Malorie. Don’t compare yourself to others. I like to say “curls are like finger prints. Not everyone has the same pattern.” Love yourself curls and your curls will love you.
3. Patience. The CGM takes time. You may see instant results the first day but then the second or third day your results may suck. Almost everything needs time and patience. Flowers don’t grow over night and neither will your hair results. You are training your hair to be as healthy as possible and your hair is going through a little “detox” with getting rid of all the bad chemicals that aren't CGM approved. Give it time, love, and patience, and your beautiful curls will shine.
4. Give a hair product a fair chance. Try it 2-3x before deciding it’s not for you UNLESS there is absolutely a reason you disliked it right away. For example if you try one product and it made your scalp itch or burn obviously don't reuse it.
5. “More expensive the better” tends to be the mindset with all products. But sometimes with the CGM the cheaper approved products could work work best. Spending $45+ on one product right away can get very expensive. Try out that $2 product - you may be really surprised!
6. Learn your realistic curl pattern. If you have loose waves don’t expect high volume tight coils. Find someone who realistically has a similar curl pattern and hair type as you and try their steps; with your personal adjustments of course. You will get frustrated if you try to achieve curls your hair type isn’t realistically able to accomplish.
What are some tips or things you wish you would have known before starting the Curly Girl Method?
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Mrs. Freakin Forakis